Hip, Hip, Hurrray!
he beat the older kid that has been making him come in 2nd place the last 3 races.. .
for more pics, go here: and click on any of the albums created by: "open fire" [note: these are not all my boy, cause when he's racing i'm too busy cheering him on to take lot's of pics, but there are still quite a few]
Hip, Hip, Hurrray!
finshed unpacking my miniature bottle collection and putting it on some shelves today so thought i'd post.. i started collecting miniature liquor bottles a few years ago.
a friend was selling stuff from her deceased grandmother's estate and there was this collection of around a hundred mini bottles.
i bought the bottles and got interested in the hobby.
I have a few mini bottles of liquor but the only one of any age is my sealed Crown Royal, Canada excise tax (I'm Canadian, living in the States) "1975" a very good year since we are all still here. I too like old bottles, but I have bigger ones. I have a few of the old glass milk bottles of differant sizes, the ones that had the card board pull up seals. I have an old brown glass clorox bottle, an old corked lysol bottle, an old small 7 UP bottle that has their old logo and slogan on it and my favorite one is a clear glass Hudepohl bottle. Hudepohl made beer in Cincinnati. One day I called the company to find out how old it might be since beer bottles are usually brown or green. They told me the bottle was a POP bottle. During prohabition they tooled up to sell pop instead of beer. That was interesting. I have a few other medicine bottles but none have contents in them or labels.
KY Been
(fluff advisory: yadda yadda yadda).!+photo+album/trouble+the+puppy.jpg?bcjpbb9akc8pwoyl.
all together now: awwwwww!
Trouble is soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
can't wash yourselves clean in the blood of the lamb?
here's the next best thing!
instantly wash away your sins with new repent!
That is just too cute, LOL
That's exactly what this fast food generation needs!
there's been quite a few lay-offs and job losses in our area.
one of the churches in our area is providing food to people at a very reduced price.
it is name brand food, meats, fruits and veggies.
The church I have been going to for a couple years now is really into out reach programs.
They have monthly hot meal give aways in town for the homeless, free christmas wrapping at stores (I've helped do that a couple years). At the end of every month when food and money is running out they pack up bags and bags of food for the free food give away to low income families. Groups just get dropped off in apt. complexes and we knock on doors to see if they or someone they know is in need of food or a prayer or anything else we can help them with. Donations are not accepted and they are told this is just a small way of letting them know GOD loves them. No sermons, just unconditional love. I do donate at church because the majority of the money goes to these type of programs. We take parties to low income housing kids. No preaching. They are such a hands on church and teach that all people have some sort of talent, use what you like and are good at. NO COOKIE CUTTER people here. It is so diverse. It caters mostly to people that have no church to call home and are seeking to find a relationship with God. The part I like is all age groups of kids have their own classes. Cuddlers are babies, toddlers (at christmas the kids all wore birthday hats and had cup cakes because they had a birthday party for the baby Jesus). The pre teens once came to church with the weirdest out fits they could make up (it was to let them see what it was like for the early christians to be thought of as weird or outcasts). Being a JW kid, I didn't need that lesson. I even like the sermons, the pastor is such a hoot. Very human. They want you to question and think. There are no weak people, just many people in differant stages of spiritual development. And when they say a prayer they bless the neighboring churches. I found my home if I chose to go to church, and I don't feel guilty if I don't go.
Wow, sorry didn't mean to ramble.
KY Been
hey all of you who have the new worship book....(my wife brought one back last week end) .
turn the very first page...(the one that has the title of the book on it) .
now on the back side of that page you will see a paragraph "to our readers" .
some of you may have read some of my earlier posts about my job issues, well i followed the advice that some of you contributed and i'm on my way to starting my own business.
i have a fairly good strategy that i will attempt to follow but i'm back again for more advice.. my first goal is to obtain a business license and establish a business name.
tomorrow i'm going to spend a few hours at the library and try to read up a bit on the different ways to proceed with a small business.
Hi Leander,
Very good advice to get a book and read up on starting a company. My husband started a company last year in the cable business. Stay out of cable!!!!!!!!!!! We have made a few mistakes and wasted alot of money. My advice is see an accountant first. Tell them what you are doing and see what way you should file as. We didn't do that and started as a LLC (Limited Liability Company) This year we are a LLC acting as a S corporation. I have listened to the accountant and it still doesn't make sence to me. But they can find you the breaks and point you in the direction to get your tax id etc. Our lawyer helped with the name search (If you use your name you don't need a search) but I think the accountant would know that also. If you have employees you will also need workmans comp. ins. Stay out of cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found alot of information on the internet just searching "Small Business Startup". You are being smart. My hubby started business then asked questions. You lose alot of money that way. The company is doing okay so far but..................the cable industry isn't! Quik Books is a good investment for record keeping, payroll etc. Just see an accountant first. First visit is usually free.
KY Been
well..this has been a good day.. i have been in depression for while now.
i just can't seem to break it.
but there are good days too.
So happy for you Spice,
Sounds like you're on your way to recovery!
I also have found that in my life that things pop up when I need them most.
I always said, God never gives me what I want, but always gives me what I need.
Hang in there.
KY Been
i've noticed many new ones to our lil community here and have been unable to welcome you all personally.
there is a great variety of people here and loads of information and support.
feel free to vent!
Haven't seen you in a while, I've been wondering how your daughter is????????
While I'm at it Mulan, how is your mom?
Welcome all Newbies to the board.
KY Been
tdogg started this on another thread.
his comments were:.
i wish i had that quote when i was told i had to wear a tie and suit to meeting, when i played chess, when i bought star wars figures, when i had to do at least 5 hrs of service a month, make a comment at every meeting, not wear top-sider shoes, never see a rated r movie, wear a no-blood bracelet, highlight all the answers in my watchtower, not play organised sports, not salute the flag,....anyone want to take over?......
Don't know what the quote was but I will add...............
Not eatting HOT DOGS (they were made with blood)
Did anyone else hear of that one? I love hot dogs (yes I know whats in them).
This reminds me of a joke...................
A Mother Superior and another Nun were assigned to the United States from another country. On the way over Mother Superior told the Nun that she had heard they eat Dogs in America. When they got here they were walking down the street and saw a vendor selling "Hot Dogs". To fit in, Mother Superior suggested that they at least try the local food. They walk up to the stand and order two hot dogs. The vendor happily grabs two hot dogs, puts them on a bun and wraps them in foil, gives them to the Nuns. They go over to a bench and sit down to eat. Mother Superior opened the foil and quickly shut it looking shocked and embarrassed. She leaned over to the Nun and whispered in her ear " What part did you get"?
KY Been